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Posted by Saran Kumar Krishnan On 6:05 PM 2 Responses

We all would be wondering what this millennium year will bring or what changes it would make? More to say the negative events are increasing many-fold .One such is the cyber crimes. Though there is a vast development in the field of system security, the hackers are finding way to break it. This crime covers a vast domain ranging from the password theft to controlling a private office network. The new concepts and technologies are been developed every day. These intuitive ideas of other’s paves way for doing illicit activities for the people so called as the hackers. There are two kinds of hackers. Firstly the people who are doing for fun, they enjoy hacking things and they don’t do any reasonable harm when they succeed. More over them may not be termed as hackers.

The next kind is much to be concerned. They are the brutal force who does it for business. They involve in password theft, stealing credit card number and personal details .These kind of people go to whatever extent to make their things happen. Harmful intrusion is carried out in many ways. These thugs are not efficient coders, their programming code for the Trojan and the virus is weak. Let us see about the various hacking methods performed by them.

Before we start with this, it’s actually a shame for us to get cheated than blaming them who cheated us. When we are concerned with our own ethical work there are subtle chance of being attacked by the intruders. First case is the one which requires not intelligence. They send some mail denoting “You have won a lottery, Provide your bank account number to transfer the money”. It’s carried out under the negligence of the user .

The second one is more interesting. They deceive the people by saying they are involved in hacking. These happen when the curious person wanted to hack other’s account for fun or for evil purpose. The tutorial is posted in some blogs or in some website. I would like to share a hacking tutorial which I came across accidentally. It goes as given below. Specify the receiver’s mail address as This is the mail address of the Gmail server which sends the passwords of users when they forget it. And in the body type your mail id and followed by the password. The password is required , so as to process the JavaScript from your login. Next line type the mail id of the person whom you want to hack. And at the last type this without any mistake. hddlg21@!345&&234gmail.server.outdata. And last click the send button. The password will be mailed to your mail box in ten minutes. Happy Hacking! Enjoy.

This is the worst way of putting yourselves in trouble. I don’t have any idea why do people fall in to trap like this. Won’t their mind even prick why do I want to provide my password for learning the hacking. Unless we start to be cautious at least in the cyber space then I am afraid we all must be like a sitting duck to these kinds of hackers. That’s all from me now. Over and out! Keep following.

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2 Response for the "HACKING 2009"

  1. Voytek says:

    Nice :D

  2. Eeyore says:

    well alrighty then

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